Healthcare Appropriations

  • Our Healthcare & Life Sciences Team has years of broad-ranging experience in navigating the complexities of the appropriations process.
  • Members of our team maintain a strong Washington presence as well as established working relationships at the federal agency level, Capitol Hill and the White House.
  • We take a team-based approach that leverages healthcare and life sciences experience with our own Political Action Committee and budget and appropriations lawyers to guide you through the process step by step.


Your organization can gain tremendous advantage from the funds that Congress earmarks annually for the health care sector. You can use this funding for new construction, renovation, the acquisition of major equipment, even programmatic activities – such as telemedicine projects, efforts to promote health care and prevent disease (e.g. asthma, cancer, tuberculosis and diabetes), caregiver training, mental health care or substance abuse treatment activities, and programs targeted at minority populations.

Bottom-Line Benefits

You can seek funding for projects that are already budgeted – which means that the funds go straight to your bottom line – or for a health care-related program or project that may be important to you but for which no funding is currently earmarked. However, without access to the right governmental connections, influence in Washington and an intricate understanding of the legislative system, securing federal appropriations can be a daunting – if not impossible – challenge. Relationships are Key

Advancing your interests through the arcane, labor-intensive federal appropriations process requires a thorough understanding of the process itself, as well as access to the right decision-makers.

  • With in-depth knowledge of the 13 annual federal spending bills and the methods for obtaining identified appropriations from a variety of accounts, Holland & Knight’s Budget and Appropriations Team can give you the edge you need.
  • Funding is more accessible when you work with attorneys and senior policy advisors who have the right relationships, including: House and Senate Appropriations Committee members, federal agencies and White House staff.

All the Right Resources

The procedures involved in shepherding appropriations requests through the legislative process can be overwhelming in their scope and complexity. Holland & Knight’s collaborative approach ensures the capacity and teamwork needed to tackle all the issues and myriad details required to promote your program.

The Holland & Knight Committee for Effective Government, one of the largest law firm Political Action Committees in the country, augments our political reach to complement and enhance our other political assets. Keen industry insight from the Holland & Knight Health Law & Life Sciences Team provides the essential momentum critical to keeping your project moving through the appropriations process.

At Your Service

Customer service is the infrastructure upon which Holland & Knight was founded. To achieve a positive outcome, we remain engaged with you through the three major phases of the appropriations process:
  • working with you to prioritize your needs relative to the likelihood that your proposal will qualify for federal support as an identified project
  • developing the necessary supporting documentation and justification materials
  • working with the relevant members of your congressional delegation, other pertinent officials, and key staff and members of the House and Senate Appropriations Committees to advance your project through the legislative process.

The Advantage of Experience In the Health Care and Life Sciences Industries

It takes more than governmental savvy and political connections to achieve positive results in the federal appropriations arena. Your Budget and Appropriations Team will draw on other Holland & Knight resources that possess in-depth, substantive knowledge of the health care and life sciences industries – your unique requirements, industry dynamics and political/regulatory constraints – to effectively represent your interests.

This unique insight into the health care and life sciences industries gives your Holland & Knight Budget and Appropriations team the opportunity to improve your bottom line.