Summer 2024

New York State Issues Updated Soil Vapor Intrusion Guidance

The Real Estate Finance Journal
Jose A. Almanzar | Meaghan Colligan Hembree | Amy O'Brien

Environment attorneys Jose Almanzar, Meaghan Colligan and Amy O’Brien co-authored an article in The Real Estate Finance Journal discussing the 13 petroleum-related volatile organic compounds that have been added to a new soil vapor intrusion guidance issued by the New York State Department of Health. These updates are likely to have far-reaching implications, particularly for real estate developers and investors who encounter properties impacted by former petroleum usage. The authors outline how these changes will affect stakeholders involved in the development and/or management of contaminated sites.

The authors also published a Holland & Knight client alert on this topic earlier this year.

READ: New York State Issues Updated Soil Vapor Intrusion Guidance

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