In the Headlines
March 24, 2020

Fla. Court Applies Anti-SLAPP Law To Protect Election Mailer

Litigation Attorneys Bill Shepherd, Seth Welner and Jeff Schacknow were highlighted in a Law360 article covering a Florida judge's ruling that election mailers are covered by a state law barring strategic lawsuits against public participation, also known as SLAPPs. The ruling, which struck down a former West Palm Beach city commissioner's defamation suit, stated that the anti-SLAPP law's reference to "other similar work" included electioneering communications. Holland & Knight attorneys represented the winning defendants in the case, followed closely because of its implications for the ability to limit the exercise of free speech in the political realm.

"Anti-SLAPP is designed to protect free speech rights for everyone and to put a stop to those who would try to misuse the courts to silence their critics with suits that lack merit," Mr. Shepherd said. "Anti-SLAPP provided that protection today."

READ: Fla. Court Applies Anti-SLAPP Law To Protect Election Mailer (Subscription required)