In the Headlines
July 29, 2020

Pinnacle 2020 Quick Take: Washington Update – The CARES Act 2.0; What the Election Will Mean for EMS

Public Policy & Regulation Partner Lisa Hawke recently participated in a "Washington Update" conversation during the Virtual Pinnacle Leadership Summit, and the session was recapped in an article published on Ms. Hawke, whose practice focuses on federal relations and policy in healthcare, emergency medical services (EMS) and transportation issues, gave an update on COVID-19 funding for providers, offered guidance for managing these funds and shared her thoughts about what the upcoming elections could mean for the EMS community, including how they could affect ET3 and the future of telehealth.

"It may not be dealt with at this particular moment in this particular legislation, but over a long period of time, there's a great opportunity for EMS to really continue and build its role around mobile integrated healthcare utilizing telehealth," she said. "The industry spent so many years building that basic platform, mobile integrated healthcare, and I think the pandemic is really going to open that up so we can build that out further."

READ: Pinnacle 2020 Quick Take: Washington Update – The CARES Act 2.0; what the election will mean for EMS