In the Headlines
May 14, 2021

Amid Infrastructure Talks, 13 Experts Help Powerful Interests Get in on the Plan

Business Insider

Public Policy & Regulation attorneys Rich Gold, Joshua Odintz and Todd Wooten spoke with Business Insider about their current work on Capitol Hill amid talks to pass an infrastructure bill and other spending packages. President Joe Biden has called for trillions of dollars in spending, with Democratic Senators considering budget reconciliation as a way to pass some bills without bipartisan support.

Mr. Gold commented that the possibility of using budget reconciliation has increased lobbying efforts, as stakeholders across all industries look to have their interests represented.

"No question it's busier as major companies and other stakeholders are prepping for 50 — versus 60 — vote scenarios on many major issues, especially tax changes," he explained.

Mr. Odintz is advising clients on tax policy after Biden's proposed rate increase for wealthy individuals and corporations. He said it's "as busy as 2017," when a bill that lowered corporate tax rates to 21 percent was passed.

Mr. Wooten represents several corporate clients, and he agreed with his colleagues that the workload remains high. He explained that many clients are anxious to receive funding now because they don't know how many more spending packages will be passed.

"We've had major pieces of legislation move in the form of relief packages, and every client is concerned the next one could be the last one," he said. "So it's been a lot of pressure without a lot of downtime."

READ: Amid Infrastructure Talks, 13 Experts Help Powerful Interests Get in on the Plan (Subscription required)