In the Headlines
June 23, 2023

How Well Is the USMCA Working After Three Years?

Latin America Advisor, The Dialogue

International Trade attorney Carlos Véjar was interviewed by The Dialogue's Latin America Advisor ahead of the third anniversary of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) and gave his perspective on how well it's working. The deal modernized the former North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), including provisions related to digital trade, intellectual property and labor conditions. Mr. Véjar said the deal has addressed labor concerns effectively, especially in Mexico, and both the United States and Mexico have been able to take on legitimacy issues within different export industries, among other successes.

"The USMCA has also brought significant improvements over NAFTA in areas such as intellectual property rights, e-commerce and cross-border data flows," he said. "The absence of public criticism or bilateral discussions on these matters is a positive indication of its success."

READ: How Well Is the USMCA Working After Three Years? (Article begins on page 3)

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