In the Headlines
August 24, 2023

Florida Powerhouse: Holland & Knight


Holland & Knight was recognized as a Florida Powerhouse firm on Law360's 2023 Regional Powerhouses list. This profile highlights Holland & Knight's deep history in Florida and attributes this recognition to the firm's robust experience, industry knowledge and fluidity among seven regional offices that facilitates impactful teamwork. Wifredo Ferrer, executive partner of our Miami office, explained the firm's focus on acquiring and retaining the best talent.

"The firm is ingrained in Florida history and political landscape. We have been really laser-focused on hiring the best attorneys in servicing our clients throughout the state. That really does allow us to be a one-stop shop for clients who need any type of legal service throughout the state," he said.

The article goes on to feature several of the firm's high-profile legal successes, including work with the Tampa Bay Rays and Norwegian Cruise Lines. It also makes note of key practice areas where the firm continues to grow, including international arbitration, white collar defense, healthcare and energy.

Partner Robert Grammig, who will become the firm's chair and CEO next year, commented on Holland & Knight's particular strength in white collar defense.

"We have former U.S. attorneys and state attorneys that are very sophisticated in high-profile white collar investigations, [U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission] investigations, you name it, whether it's a criminal proceeding or administrative proceeding," he explained.

In addition to the firm's expansion in a number of industry sectors, the article highlights several newly onboarded Florida attorneys who bring with them a variety of valuable experience and knowledge. The profile concludes by discussing the firm's corporate culture, which Mr. Ferrer cites as another reason for Holland & Knight's success.

"When you focus intentionally on creating a positive culture, that creates employee innovation and leads to growth and profitability," Mr. Ferrer said. "When people see you are a law firm that cares about making our community a better place, more people want to work with you."

READ: Florida Powerhouse: Holland & Knight