In the Headlines
August 8, 2023

What Is the Real Right of Surface and How Will the Figure Work with the Bogotá Metro

Asuntos Legales

Corporate attorney Lorena Martínez was mentioned in an Asuntos Legales article about the real right of surface (DRS) and what its relationship will look like with the Bogotá Metro in Colombia. Ms. Martínez spoke about how the DRS can become an important source of financing for public transportation infrastructure in the country.

"With this right, the surface owner can build, make improvements or carry out any type of project. Particularly, for transportation infrastructure issues, article 97 of Law 1955 of 2019 incorporated it, as a source of financing mechanism for the transportation systems," she said.

READ: What Is the Real Right of Surface and How Will the Figure Work with the Bogotá Metro