Press Release
February 8, 2010

Dan Small Featured in Recent Book on Controversial Former Louisiana Governor

BOSTON – February 8, 2010 – Holland & Knight is pleased to announce that partner Dan Small is prominently featured in the newly published book "Edwin Edwards: Governor of Louisiana." The book is a biography of the famous former governor by award-winning journalist Leo Honeycutt. It contains details and revelations about the rise and fall of the extraordinary political figure that have never been revealed until now.

In 2000, Governor Edwards went on trial in federal court in Baton Rouge for allegedly taking bribes in exchange for his assistance in obtaining riverboat gambling licenses. Edwards hired Small, a trial lawyer and former federal prosecutor to represent him in court. The book goes into considerable detail of this fascinating four-month trial, and repeatedly cites Small's examinations and arguments.

In a statement released by author Leo Honeycutt, he says:

"The trial of Governor Edwards was complex and challenging, but when national trial attorney Dan Small arrived in Baton Rouge, he found an unbelievable display of prosecutorial misconduct allowed by a federal judge. Still, despite a grueling four-month trial, Small remained the consummate professional, relentless in the pursuit of justice for his client provided by the United States Constitution. Small's extraordinary skills in examination, argument, and strategy – outlined in Edwards' biography – provided a clear demonstration of how the best trial lawyers react to adversity."

Small practices in the firm's Boston and Miami offices and concentrates on the area of litigation, focusing on witness preparation, government and internal investigations, white-collar criminal law and complex civil litigation. Small was a prosecutor for the U.S. Department of Justice and a lecturer on law at Harvard Law School. He has written several books on litigation for the ABA, including Preparing Witnesses and Going to Trial.