Press Release
February 13, 2024

Six Intellectual Property Attorneys Recognized by World Trademark Review 1000 in 2024

MIAMI (February 13, 2024) – Six Holland & Knight attorneys have been recognized for their leading trademark practices by the World Trademark Review's 2024 edition of the WTR 1000. The guide also ranked Holland & Knight as a top global practice and recognized the firm's strong offerings in Washington, D.C., and Tennessee.

According to the review, "Full-service outfit Holland & Knight boasts a strong trademark practice, with highly skilled practitioners on board who can meet any need of brand owners and work seamlessly across practice areas to deliver a wonderfully joined-up service."

In its 14th year, WTR 1000 is an annual guide that identifies the top trademark professionals in key jurisdictions around the globe. Rankings are determined by a peer review process and independent research conducted by The IP Media Group. The selection of persons or firms for the WTR 1000 depends on their depth of knowledge, market presence and caliber of work over an extensive four-month period by a team of full-time analysts, which involves more than 1,700 telephone interviews with trademark specialists across the globe.

The following Holland & Knight lawyers are recognized in the WTR1000 in 2024:

Robert Felber, Tennessee

Paul Kilmer, Washington, D.C.

Daniel Neustadt, Washington, D.C.

Danilo Romero, Bogotá, Colombia

Jennifer Sickler, Texas

Jose Luis Villareal, Monterrey, Mexico